Saturday, August 28, 2010

New templates

Since all the kids except #1 daughter (aka: Big Sister) is out and about this weekend, we decided to change the template for this blog. Please let us know what you think. We want to find something that will be expressive without being obnoxious.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thought I had seen it all

Well there was a new one on me today. Big Sister would figure out any way she could to get out of doing math. She would do all kinds of things, but I don't remember her ever pulling her own teeth (thankfully it was already a little loose). Yes you read that right. Little Brother (who hate math more than Big Sister) wiggled his own tooth so long then finally pulled it out. Please understand that we have been at the same math page for 9 hours...yes 9 hours. I gave birth to him in a shorter time than that. The most obnoxious thing is that it is something he understands. He can do them independently and just won't. It is days like this that drive me crazy. Doesn't help that the weather is humid and I am not feeling too good.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Little Brother isn't a rock

Well we have proven once and for all that Little Brother is not a rock and that anyone, even someone as skinny as he is, is buoyant. He has been convinced that he would sink in the water so he would never go in for fear of sinking. While we were at the lake yesterday we convinced him to try floating. He was very nervous and wouldn't relax which didn't help with the floating. So how did we finally get him to relax enough to float? Pure capitalism. If he floated all on his own he could have a toy which cost up to $5. It was amazing how fast he was able to float after that. We have a contract for more floating including in water over his head well on his way to actually swimming.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is a teenager?

Big Brother summed up what teenagers and kids on the spectrum perfectly the other day.
DH took the doors off the Jeep and asked Big Brother if he wanted to ride to the activities we had around town that day. Big Brother wanted nothing to do with it. Later in the day we talked about the boys driving up to the racetrack the next day and that DH wanted to take the Jeep with the doors still off. Big Brother was all excited about it. I asked him why he wouldn't ride in the Jeep around town going no more than 40 mph, but can't wait to ride in the Jeep going 60+ on the highway.
His answer:
"I am a world of contradictions".
Yes he is, as are all teenagers.