Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Klutz guide to a New England Winter pt 1

Well, 2008 hasn't started off as well as I had planned. I have had a severe case of "mommy brain". That condition for those who are not familiar with it, is caused when a mom has 3 million things on her mind and things like where she is going or what is in front of her get ignored. On January 2nd I was going into my laundry room to get some clean clothes and got my feet tangled in some dirty clothes someone left on the floor. I fell forward and hit the outside of my left thigh on a bucket in the room. I got a bruise as big as my hand. I have never had that big a bruise and boy did it hurt. I figured though that I had my one big fall for the year and I was done. Yeah right...
On Saturday the 12th I took my little ones over to a friend's house to stay till my mom could pick them up. Every year DH and I go to the company party and this year it wasn't till January so I needed to get going. Her driveway (like just about every other dirt driveway in New Hampshire) had ice on it. I was very careful coming in and was going to leave via the front door (which came out closer to the van). We chatted for a few minutes when I got there and then I was headed on my way. Instead of going out the front door, I went down off the deck, cell phone in hand and brain out to lunch. I bet I don't really need to go into what happened next. Suffice it to say that I got the left hip, shoulder and palm on that fall.

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