Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Klutz guide to a New England winter pt 2

We made it to the party, but I didn't dance much. Though I really like dancing to fast music, I gave up when I tried dancing to "Loveshack" and zigged when I should have zagged. It wasn't totally bad though. Since so many guys that were going to the party were going to stay home due to the Pats/Jaguars game, they had a big screen TV in the banquet hall and I got to watch a good game. There were times when some of the fans were nervous, but I knew the Pats would win. Anyone who bets against those guys this year is either crazy or knows something we don't know.

We left for MA on Sunday night to beat the storm. DH needed reconstructive surgery after losing 200 pounds (YEAH!!!). He had a gastric bypass done in MA about 18 months ago and we wouldn't trust the reconstruction to anywhere else. If anyone is thinking about gastric bypass in the New England region, Lahey Clinic in Burlington is the place to do it. They are awesome and so wonderful to the patients and the families.

I stayed at the local Marriott and figured I couldn't get in too much trouble. Wrong again. He was scheduled to have the surgery at 12 pm, but because of emergencies, didn't start till 4. Then it was 4.5 hours for the surgery. I went back to the hotel room tired, stressed and just plain worn out. After relaxing for a couple of hours I went out to pick up something at a local store. Seems harmless enough till I got back. The parking space looked like dry asphalt, really it did. I stepped out of the truck and landed quickly on my backside and left elbow (it was about the only thing left I hadn't hit). I sat on the cold ground and cried. I was fine physically, but I just needed to release. I had held in all the stress and anxiety of a very long day and I needed to just let it out. While I could have lived without the sore backside and bruised elbow, I thank God that He gave me that place to release.

I took the shuttle back to the hospital and saw DH in recovery. Everything went great (PTL) and he was sore but fine.

So now that I have fallen 3 times in 12 days, I have learned some lessons about surviving the winter when you are a Klutz.

1) Don't multitask while walking outside or around dropped clothing. I am going to concentrate on making it from point A to point B rather than what I have to do 20 minutes later.

2) Get the kids to do stuff around the house instead of me doing it all the time. (That's a good rule anytime of year)

3) Assume every piece of real estate you walk on is icy and shuffle. Usually I do that, but not these times.

4) If all else fails, move south :-)

1 comment:

Emily said...

HOpe your husband is doing well after his surgery and congrats to him for losing all that weight!